Living out the full Gospel
CMC Nursery & Kids
CMC Children’s Nursery
We have nursery available for 4 years and younger every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Our devoted nursery team enjoys loving on the little ones while sharing Jesus in an enjoyable and engaging way, through the Word of God. This also gives parents time in the sanctuary to focus on their time of worship and the Word.

CMC Kids Church
Our CMC Kids ministry is dedicated to equipping elementary age children with the knowledge of the word of God! Our devoted CMC Kids Team focuses on equipping the hearts of our children with Biblical truth taught in an engaging way! Our goal is that our children will “grow in knowledge and love for our Savior. All children start with their families in their sanctuary, so they can worship together. Then, CMC Kids will dismiss to their class on both Sunday morning and Wednesday night.
CMC Nursery
Available from Newborn to Age 4
CMC Kids
Ages: 5 years old to 11 years old
Times: Sunday 11am | Wednesday 6:30pm
For more information regarding nursery or children’s church, please contact Rachel Smith at rachelsmithcmc@gmail.com.